Friday, April 14, 2017

Attack of the Zombie Gremlins!

Attack of the Zombie Gremlins! ©2017 Joan M. Newcomb, CPC

We all have negative voices in our heads. Dr. Daniel Amen calls them Automatic Negative thoughts. Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor says they're a cluster of cells on the left side of our brain responsible for keeping us organized, reminding us to buy milk on the way home from work, or get our taxes done by the 15th. I realize that it's our body's GPS, containing all the programming we've ever received about how to be in this world.

Our GPS' are filled with outdated maps and misinformation. It's set on "avoid highways" and 'fastest route' at the same time. And if you try to vary your method for getting somewhere, it will loudly protest.  This is your inner Gremlin, your Automatic Negative Thought.

Gremlin voices arise Whenever you try something new, and go beyond the programming from your childhood, whether it's family, societal, cultural, religious or whatever.

Gremlins are familiar, they've been in your head all your life. You don't even realize they're not your own thoughts. You just accept them as reality.

They're incredibly limiting. You can't go beyond their boundaries. They dismiss your dreams.

I woke up in the morning with this thought, "Zombie Gremlins". Reflecting on what is going on in the world today, there seems to be so much unconsciousness. So many people running off their Automatic Negative Thoughts.

They're not even questioning their thoughts, they're just letting this dysfunctional GPS steer them off into the bushes, like some jury-rigged self driving car.

It's easy to do, when you think that you *are* your vehicle, and you think your Automatic Negative Thoughts are real.

You feel powerless to these thoughts, and incapable of changing your route, when it seems like *everyone* is driving this way.

However, when you shift your awareness to your Essential Self, you recognize that your hands are on the wheel. You steer where your attention is.

Take your attention off the negative thoughts, and you start to notice so many more possibilities out in the world. (The ANTS get louder at first, but when you don't feed them with your attention, they fade away).

The bigger reason why Zombie Gremlins seem so prevalent in the world today, is that greater Light is more present in the world today.

Greater Consciousness is more present. And your Essential Self is the You that is Greater Consciousness.

You turn on the lights and exposes the dysfunction. You start to drive differently and your ANTS go nuts. Temporarily.

When ANTS show up during the day, squash 'em, feed 'em to your ANTeater, send 'em to the ANT farm.

Put a bowl of sugar outside the garage before you retire at night, beside the Anteater cage (within tongue licking distance).

Or you can just tell yourself you're going to update your GPS when you go to sleep and your inner computer with automatically reorganize.

Play with this for the next 7 days and your life will totally transform.

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