Friday, August 4, 2017

How To Handle The Waves of Change

How To Handle The Waves of Change ©2017 Joan M. Newcomb, CPC

Wow, this is an intense time. So many things are coming at us. We have to handle multiple things at once. There's no time to rest. There's certainly no sleep at night!!

Now, some people may find this exhilarating. They may feel on top of their game. Yay, them.

Most folks are finding this challenging and overwhelming. If this is you, even though your circumstances are unique, you're not alone!

What is happening is that Greater Consciousness is coming into form. This is stirring things up.

This will show up in your life in situations or relationships provoking feelings of conflict, resistance, pain, fear, anger, or just wanting to sleep all day!

How to handle these waves of change?

You can fight it. This might be energizing to some. It may keep them from being paralyzed with fear. It might help them break through to the next experience. Or it might get you more enmeshed in it.

You can pretend it's not happening. This is a different tactic. Just keep going to work and home and act as if nothing unusual is going on. Fake it 'til you make it. This strategy is useful to some folks, a way to hunker down and get through it. However this can also backfire, the situation can accelerate until you have to pay attention to it!

You can ride with it.  Life is like kayaking, sometimes we hit white water, grab hold of your paddles! This is a great way not to resist and 'go with the flow' no matter how fast and rough it may seem.

You can dive through the waves. If you're standing in the water at the beach and the wave seems too big, just dive through it! You'd be surprised how quick you get to the other side.

Old patterns are breaking down. Situations that don't serve are either going away or getting worse. It's an opportunity for you to try something new or different, or put into practice what you already know.

However it's on the way to getting better. You could come out of this time period completely transformed! Don't resist the ride.

If you really, really want things to be different, this is your chance to change things! Portals of change are opening and are everywhere. All you have to do stay is stay alert, and step through them!

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