Friday, April 10, 2015

Reclaim Your Inner Baby

Reclaim Your Inner Baby ©2015 Joan Newcomb

I was just in the city where I was born, part of a mission to scatter my moms ashes to all the places where she lived.

I was so focused on other things, like my parents and my older brothers living there, that it didn't occur to me that it was my birthplace, until I was on the train to the airport.

Why did I create being born in West Berlin, during the Cold War,  where it was my Dad's job to talk people into defecting?

I'm a lightbringer. And lightbringer are destined to go into dark places. Makes sense I would start I one.

So I tuned into myself as an infant, and was surprised (don't know why) to sense this big ball of light.

Infant photo 1912

All babies are bright lights. Just look at 'em, they are pure energy, pure joy, pure wonder. They are Consciousness, rediscovering the world.

So I tuned into my baby Self and felt that energy within me.  I felt how darkened and crusty and old I have become.  Years of accumulated pictures and concepts and experiences. Reclaiming my baby self, bringing that new energy within, was like filling the tanks with high octane gas.

This is who we really are. We are bright lights, bundles of joy. Our essence is wonder, happiness, curiosity, love.  That never goes away. It just gets covered over.

We can access our inner infant and use the energy to heal and renew ourselves. We can egain our awareness of why we are here, and what our purpose is.

It's pretty simple. You can sit quietly, with your eyes closed, and inwardly imagine your baby self. Feel the energy you were when you first got here.  See in your mind, your bright eyes and toothless smile.

Bring that awareness into your center and let it expand outward, filling up your body and surrounding you.

Let the years of accumulated denser energy dissolve, disintegrate, dissipate.  Bring in your awareness as Consciousness. Let yourself know why you are here. The answer may be very simple, a feeling or an image.

Sit with this.

Do this for the next 7 days. You can do this once, or any number of times. You may get instantaneous insight, or increasing Knowingness over the week. You can just let your light shine and clear any darkness or you ca deliberately direct it to places you Want to dissolve.

Try this for the next week and see what happens,

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