Friday, September 22, 2017

When It's Good To Lose Your Cookies (and How To Keep What You Don't Want To Lose)

When It's Good To Lose Your Cookies (and How To Keep What You Don't Want To Lose) ©2017 Joan M. Newcomb, CPC

We are multidimensional beings, so much more than just bodies and minds. Out energy exists both within and outside of time and space. We intuitively know that coming into this life but the world of density and effort diverts our attention. We quickly forget that we are Consciousness creating in form.

From the moment we're conceived, we're creating and absorbing impressions. Our bodies and energy systems are picture galleries. Our experience of the world is colored by all the data we collect.

By the time we're adults are hard drives are filled with every memory we've lived and every concept we've taken in. We're quite solidified in our beliefs about reality.

When we go through changes, we release anything that shaped our prior reality and create new ones. When our body/personalities are in agreement with these changes, or at least know what's coming up, it's easier. There may still be an adjustment but the discomfort is less when our body/personalities know what's coming up.

From the body/personality level, in order to move forward we need to delete our cookies. This can take time if we choose to "process", use rituals, or talk it out.  It can also take forever if you don't want to lose pictures or memories that you feel are precious. They may be painful, but you feel are significant to your identity.

At the next level up, in the mind, thought, Spirit realm, you can de-energize the cookies (you can symbolically blow them up, make them disappear, or highlight and delete them). But you face the same stumbling blocks.

The level beyond is Consciousness, where transformation is instant and effortless. It's a shift in dimensional frequency where you can still be "here", fully embodied and present, but not in the density of the story. Rather than clearing blocks or deleting cookies, you just step into a parallel universe where everything is different.

You don't need to think it out when you're operating as Consciousness. You come from a place of playful curiosity.  It's subtle but very profound. It's pictures beyond pixels, reality beyond atoms and molecules.

It's helpful to know that nothing you care about is ever energetically lost, even if it's gone from your experience. Everything still exists as Consciousness, you can imagine storing them in the cloud. As Consciousness we have infinite storage. A simple way to do this is to decide to 'delete cookies' when you go to sleep at night, and that anything you don't want deleted can get moved to your cloud storage.

Play with this for the next few days and see what happens!

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