Friday, December 15, 2017

Life is an Experiment By Consciousness ©2017 Joan M. Newcomb, CPC

This world is an adventure in density and effort. Consciousness is creating it moment to moment. Consciousness creates through focus, and the more Consciousness is coming in and focusing, the more "awake" we feel in this playground.

This world is not solid and real. Time and space are structural components and yet, the more Consciousness comes into form, the more we discover how malleable these structures are.

I've been describing this planet as a full immersion virtual reality game. But the game is infinitely more complex than we can imagine. We're used to playing by rules and on a certain level these rules seem to still be intact.

The past is in the past, the future is in the future, and we seem to exist in the present moment. And people's whose bodies are no longer alive seem to no longer exist. There are times, however, where you can sense past loved ones, where you could say the 'veils are thinner'.

However, I am noticing as we collectively shift into a higher vibration, the past and future seem to bleed through to the present. At times like these, I can not only acutely feel passed loved ones, I can actually feel them from times they've been alive.

Consciousness exists both outside of your body and within your body. It is You, with a capital Y, within form, and the greater yoU, outside of form. Outside of form, outside of physical reality, outside of time and space. And able to perceive everything existing simultaneously, all past and future possibilities.


As we shift in Consciousness, the old rules no longer apply. Systems and formulae no longer function.

We're seeing this reflected in our storylines by observing unprecedented actions. We're observing people are certain egoic levels trying to act as powerful as Consciousness. At the same time increased intolerance for behaviors that negate or disempower individuals.

We are all Consciousness, and when we own it we are infinitely powerful. Yet when we own it we feel no need to dominate. We are *all* Consciousness, so as greater Consciousness comes into form, so does the drive to connect and collaborate.

It's not accurate to liken this world to a theme park like Disneyland, because there are the rides are rigidly controlled and the experience is replicable.  This world is an experiment of infinite possibilities.

When we think of it like a game, then we want to learn the rules and game the system. When we see it as an experiment, we enter it as Consciousness, playfully curious and open minded.

Try being playful and open for this next week and see what happens!

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