Friday, April 13, 2018

Manifesting Money and Miracles! It's Not About The Money

Manifesting Money and Miracles: It's Not About The Money ©2018 Joan M. Newcomb, CPC

Part of my Total Transformation coaching program is a training on Manifesting Money and Miracles. I've worked with many people who were struggling with debt or compulsive spending.

They all thought the solution to their problems would be a winning lotto ticket.

But a ton of cash wasn't what they really wanted. Whatever you think you want to manifest, it isn't about the money.

When they shifted their focus to operating as Consciousness, what they discovered surprised them. Their lives reorganized in ways more perfect than they could have imagined.

"It's *like* I've won the lottery," more than one of them has said to me.

This world is one of dichotomies, where the harder you try to make something happen, the less likely it is to manifest. When you run after the thing you desire, it's apt to disappear. It's all mirages and rainbows out there.

Manifestation as Consciousness requires you to do the opposite of what you would normally do operating as a personality in a body.

That doesn't mean you spend your days meditating on your navel. Although spending some time each day (or spontaneously throughout the day) shifting your focus will create definite results.

What you notice as you begin living as Consciousness in form, is that things effortlessly show up in your life. You don't have to try.

You feel expansive. You feel a sense of well being. You feel clear and fully present.

This is hard to understand when you're tied in knots, not answering your phone in fear of the IRS or creditors. Debt is a big vacuum, sucking dry your ability to create. It feels impossible to climb out of the wreckage of your finances.

When you shift to navigating life as Consciousness, abundance easily flows. You find you have everything you need, even more than you thought you could have. It shows up in ways you don't expect, from places you hadn't considered.

You realize that it's not about the money. It's about the quality of your life.

Living as Consciousness, life is abundant. You feel prosperous, regardless of the numbers in your bank account. Oh you still can have the house, the car, the trip. But the experience of these things is so much richer from the perspective of Consciousness.

The way you know you're on the right track with all of this, is that synchronicity increases. When you're aligned as Consciousness, you find yourself in a constant state of amusement as life becomes a string of serendipitous occurrences. They're reminders that this world is a holographic creation of Consciousness.

And it all starts with shifting your state.

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