Friday, August 24, 2018

Everyone is Evolving, Some Just Don't Know It

Everyone is evolving, some just don't know it. ©2018 Joan M. Newcomb, CPC

One of my clients said the other day, "it's happening to everyone, isn't it?". She meant the shift that she is now fully aware that she's experiencing. And my answer is, yes, everyone is evolving, some just don't know it.

Everyone is going through this shift in Consciousness. We're all perceiving it differently. For some folks, it's exhilarating. For some it's painful and terrifying.

It looks completely different for everyone. If you have a spiritual practice of any sort, you'll know *something* is going on. It's a huge, honking, growth experience. But for others who are used to being in every day reality, it seems like their world falling apart.

Whatever you hold as solid and real is disintegrating. For me it was my energy work, because the unseen was solid and real to me. Everything I'd trained in, everything I'd taught, everything I believed, got turned on it's ear. My old techniques were like Newtonian Physics, measurable and certain. My new reality was like Quantum Physics, unpredictable and random.

It's affected people's personal identity. My husband lost his career in the crash of 2008, but reawakened his spiritual practice. And even that is shifting now in ways he can't explain.

A loved one, with three Master's Degrees and in the midst of writing his Ph.D dissertation, just had a stroke. It's effectively knocking him "off line" for the good part of a year. He's identified with academia his entire life. And now he's experiencing something completely different.

Here's how I see it, from a bigger viewpoint. Consciousness is the greater awareness, the essence of who we each are. It is a higher vibration, a brighter light, coming more into form. It means that we're each experiencing our essential greater consciousness more in our body than ever before. We're all becoming more "enlightened".

When you shine a spotlight inside yourself, it reveals whatever is stuck, dark or dense. Whatever we identify as reality will have that density. Whatever we are attached to or believe that we are, will be a heavier vibration. Whatever lies we hold as truth, will be dark within.

And all of that is disintegrating, as our light shines brighter and brighter.

As that old stuff goes away, we'll feel expanded. We may notice our external reality being different as well, lighter, and less grounded (because gravity is changing as well).

It's ultimately a good thing, we're all becoming more authentically our True Selves. But we've been crouched down in distorted perceptions for a long time, so it's a big adjustment to stand up free and fully ourselves.

It's an exciting time, from the perspective of Consciousness. And we can have compassion for the other aspects of Consciousness who are having an extremely uncomfortable time.

Breathe and release, as we all contract and expand. And know that all is very, very well.

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