Friday, October 26, 2018

Creation and Destruction - is one necessary for the other?

Creation and Destruction - is one necessary for the other? ©2018 Joan M. Newcomb, CPC

This planet is one of opposites, polarities, and dichotomies. It is a place to witness and participate in the miracle of creation. It is also a place to experience and respond to loss and destruction.

From the perspective of Consciousness, creating and destroying is the game on this planet. Earth is a playground for Consciousness.

Now, to Consciousness, creating and destroying are virtually the same thing. It is equally creative to destroy. And to our body-personality, it seems like you can't create without destroying.

That doesn't mean you have to lose something in order to gain something. But the act of creating means transforming whatever it was into whatever it is becoming. It's shifting your state from not having that thing to having that thing. It means releasing or letting go of concepts and beliefs in order to expand to new awarenesses and realizations.

Sometimes the destruction is big and in-your-face. It could be every aspect of your life gets razed, through death, illness, or divorce. What emerges is a new identity, a new emotional depth, greater compassion, more openness and love.

As Consciousness I can hold a bigger space while navigating through the body-personality. I get to parent the body through it's growth experience.

But destruction doesn't have to be devastating or painful. It can simply be your world reorganizing into something better.

Nature is amazingly neutral about destruction. Forest fires happen. Floods occur. Flora and fauna get wiped out, but then new plants begin to grow and new wildlife enter the area.

Going through times of enormous change can be painful and challenging for our body-personality. But we can make it easier by remembering that we are greater Consciousness, ultimately creating it all. As greater Consciousness we can hold a bigger space for our body-personality. We can be compassionate towards it's reaction to change.

Operating as Consciousness doesn't mean not feeling. Consciousness can be neutral even as the body-personality is grieving. As Consciousness I can hold a bigger space while navigating through the body-personality. I get to parent the body through it's growth experience.

As we shift to greater Consciousness in form, we move from 3D to 5D where everything is different. Energy coming into form doesn’t require displacement of something else. Things can effortlessly dissipate and things can equally effortlessly appear without any correlation.

It doesn’t require any action on your part. It only requires noticing.

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