Friday, January 18, 2019

The Immense Power of Powerlessness

The Immense Power of Powerlessness ©2019 Joan M. Newcomb, CPC

This game of Life in the physical realm is an amazing creation. It’s a playing field of polarities, where often the opposite is true. When I try to explain advanced spiritual concepts to people, I constantly find I’m contradicting myself.

Whether we’re conscious of it or not, we are always engaging with the unseen. When you understand a few basic principles, it becomes much easier to navigate this reality.

The core concept is power, what it is, what is it’s source, and how to use it. People think of power as something really big, and something outside of themselves. They assign it values, like good and bad. Powerful people are invariably bad. They dominate weak people, who are the rest of us, and we’re good, even though it’s bad to be weak. The rest of us are powerless, we can’t use power, that would make us bad. You can see the insanity of this line of thinking.

With this mindset, we’re constantly giving power to other things, because everything is more powerful than we are. And then we can’t change, because everything outside ourselves is in control, so we have to try to change everything (and everyone) to fix our reality.

The truth is, power is simply energy and focus, and the real source of it is within each one of us. When you stop focusing on the thing you’ve been giving the most power to, you become free of it.

People think that admitting powerlessness over something (or someone), is surrendering to their power. However, surrendering is simply ceasing resistance. That can look like giving up, but what you’re actually doing is not engaging with that energy pattern any more.

Many years ago I was in a relationship with a covert drug addict. I didn’t know they were using, but the energy in the house felt like static chaos. And trying to bring love into the situation was like pouring water into sand. In releasing my focus on trying to fix the situation actually gave them the space to release their focus on the things they’d given their power to.

This applies to other things as well. Recently I’ve been helping people with their finances, and I notice that debt is like a vacuum. It sucks prosperity out of your creations. When people stop using credit cards, their abundance increases.

Saying you’re powerless over people, places, and things isn’t saying you’re weak, or out of control. Ironically, you feel out of control when you’re focus is on trying to control people, places, and things!

The source of power is within you. It may not feel powerful, because we think of power as something with weight and density. In actuality, it feels expansive and light.  Empowerment feels normal because it's who you are. When you shift your focus to yourself as Consciousness, you access immense power. The wellspring of all creation is within you.

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