Saturday, September 8, 2007

Spiritual Creativity

©2007 Joan M. Newcomb
Before we're born, when we're signing up for this life, we decide exactly what kind of body blueprint (in terms of genetics and history) we want and what kind of life blueprint (in terms of parents and circumstances) we want. I believe we even decide on what mileposts we want on our life journey, although we have free will to steer ourselves in any direction we want.

The more capable the being, the more challenging the body we'll choose and the more difficult journey we'll want. Why would an expert being want to manifest into anything less? Why would an expert horseman choose a child's pony, or a race car driver choose a wimpy automatic? Why would a triathlete choose a sidewalk through town or a mountain climber a foothill with paved trails?

So you, or anyone around you, who has physical problems or have had a tough life or is in trying circumstances right now - congratulations on how capable you are!

Don't ever invalidate yourself for your problems, they are only measures of your Spiritual creativity! Inwardly, in some deep recess of your Being, you are rejoicing - like a mountain climber rejoices on his way to the top, even as his muscles are screaming.

When you start consciously moving through life, you'll react to even the worst of things with a strange sort of excitement. You, the Being, are rubbing your hands with glee and chortling 'bring it on'!

Because it's all a movie, a three-dimensional drama, and once you begin to maneuver Consciously, you're no longer bound by the script. Scenes become improvisational, you can choose to react or not do anything at all. You can relax and enjoy the ride.

If you're reading this, you're already here. Things will start appearing in your life to help you on your journey. People will give you books, an e-zine in your inbox will recommend a website, you'll notice a class listing in your local paper, someone will tell you about somebody. It is all You giving you clues and hints on how to handle the trail you're on.

Keep your eyes open and have fun!

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