It was a feeble attempt at best, and missed the greater, growing, list of examples, of people of color being murdered in the US by police, when white people are not, under identical circumstances.
I'm not a conservative so I'm not going to pretend to be neutral.
However, my main message to everyone is that we are Consciousness expressing ourselves through physical form, I am going to try to give a bigger perspective.
Here's another example. Bill Cosby, comedian, archetypal sitcom dad and jello pudding "Pop", has been accused as a rapist. It's actually gone on for several decades, but now many women are coming out with their story. Recently his wife and one of his daughters have gone public to say he was a wonderful father and husband.
The women coming forward have much to lose, none would willingly make up a story of being assaulted just for publicity.
It's a genuine conundrum for people who knew him personally as a warm and wonderful guy, to have this side be revealed.
So here's the "middle perspective" of both situations. There is still prejudice and fear against black people (and specifically black men) in this country. There are countless examples of police using excessive force. Actually, that's about as far as I can go with the middle viewpoint. I think the police 'shoot to kill' unnecessarily and this opens a hornet's nest about gun control...
And for Bill Cosby, his friends, wife and at least one daughter genuinely experience him as the same as his public persona. Abusers have a shadow side; in his case it has come to light.
In the middle perspective, I don't have any answers. It's painful and puzzling, to deal with people who are wonderful on one hand (e.g. police who helped out with the Twin Towers on September 11th) and are horrible on the others (e.g. the cops who shot a 12 year old with a BB gun).
Or people who were abusers and whose behaviors have modified. But have never acknowledged or apologized for their acts.
So, now for the bigger perspective, of Consciousness.
As Consciousness, we are joyous, unlimited, all knowing, expansive, unity. We created the physical realm as a full immersion, 3D game, to experience the opposite of who we really are. This world has the limitations of life and death. It has pain and fear. It has separation and discord.
As Consciousness we love all of this. It's like an amusement park. An Adventure In Density and Effort. As Consciousness it's fun to embody into different people, places and things. It's like a movie set where actors are giving Oscar winning performances, and when filming is done, all go to the pub for a drink.
Pain isn't real for Consciousness. But it's VERY real for our body/personalities.
When you're flying in an airplane and see cars on the road, you don't sense their inhabitants thoughts or feelings. But it doesn't mean that they don't exist.
Consciousness holds space for all of creation, beyond time or space. All lifetimes are happening at once.
We are both Consciousness, and our individual body/personality. Each of us is a conflicting viewpoint, of a body preoccupied with it's own survival, and Consciousness focusing into form.
Forgiveness is an attempt to reconcile this conflict, from a body/personality perspective.
Acceptance is another way. Body/personalties can accept the things they cannot change - which is everything outside of their individual thoughts, feelings and actions.
Consciousness doesn't have to forgive, it holds all of this in such expansive neutrality.
As Consciousness, I can have seemingly conflicting viewpoints. I can compassionately hold space for victims, as well as abusers.
As Consciousness, I am not betraying the part of myself that was violated as a child or a partner in the storyline of my life, by holding a bigger space with those that committed acts against me.
As Consciousness, I am able to encompass everyone and all of it.
This world is an ocean of experiences. I can sail it with Consciousness, or I can sink into the darkest depths. (Scuba diving is fun, but you have to come up for air sometime)!
If we all began to navigate our lives from Consciousness, we would soon not have any conflicts to hold. It would all be synchronised and harmonious. We could be unique and different and each have everything we want without depriving others.
We can get there, we are getting there. We are Consciousness evolving, we are the light coming into this world. Holding ourselves each as Consciousness is how we start.
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