Friday, March 1, 2019

How To Stay Connected With Your Inner Essence During External Storms

How To Stay Connected With Your Inner Essence During External Storms ©2019 Joan M. Newcomb, CPC

There's a huge Consciousness Shift happening and instead of bringing more harmony, life seems full of conflict. We feel out of integrity on every level.
It's hard not to be influenced by what's going on in the news, with the weather, and our society. There's huge upheavals going on everywhere.

In fact, it can seem wrong to have any sense of serenity when there's so much pain and misery in the world.

And our own storylines can be full of challenges. We may be one paycheck away from disaster, close to homelessness, no retirement. We'd be insane to *not* feel frantic at the prospect.

Why is all this still going on when we're supposed to be advancing as Consciousness? And, how do we get back on track when it seems we're so far off out path?

Consciousness is a high vibration, it's as if greater light is coming into form. It illuminates everything that is not of Consciousness. There's a greater spotlight on anything that is dark or discordant.

Patterns, and the resulting behaviors, that are disintegrating will seem louder and more intense. Those that are clinging to them are feeling their demise the most.

And yet, there is an inner part of You that is constant, unchanging. It is your Essence, the greater part of you that you can only access within. Trying to find it outside of yourself results in you chasing illusions.

How can you find the "greater" part of you inside yourself? It seems like it would be cramped inside this dense meat suit.

And yet, when you can turn your focus within, you find an infinite well of wisdom. The deeper you go within yourself, the more unlimited you feel.

You don't need to be a Buddhist monk, nor do you need to meditate hours on end in order to achieve this state. Anything that creates quiet, anything that withdraws your attention from the noise and drama, connects you to your Essence.

At your Essence, you *are* Consciousness, you are infinite awareness and wisdom. You are that which is coming into form. Give yourself moments throughout your day to remember this. Start to make decisions and take actions from Consciousness will completely change your life!

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