Friday, May 24, 2019

Do You Have To See It To Release It?

Do You Have To See It To Release It? ©2019 Joan M. Newcomb, CPC

With the events of the past few weeks, I’ve been reminded about what I fervently believe: The Truth always comes to light.

You can argue that many hidden things are never discovered. People go to their graves with secrets inside them. However, I no longer believe something that I learned in my clairvoyant training: that you can’t do anything about hidden things until they are revealed.

In the personal growth field, there’s a lot of effort put into coming out of denial. Sometimes going too far, such as labeling oneself when in retrospect your behavior was understandable or within a spectrum of normalcy (and yet spending years writhing in shame over it). Or labeling your family or others as one thing or another (and avoiding the three fingers pointing back at you).

People often turn to spiritual techniques to raise their energy. But in their attempts to “rise above” they ignore obstacles keeping them from being truly transparent. Avoidance isn’t enlightenment.

Yet when you shift to Consciousness, Consciousness encompasses everything. Nothing is hidden, even though the details may dissipate. It’s an awareness that transcends time and space. It nullifies karma, because there is no “past” to carryover to the “present”. Forgiveness is a nonissue, as everything is accepted and owned as a creation of Consciousness.

You don’t need to see in order to release. You need only know. And in knowing, reality shifts to something different.

This may seem vague and nonspecific. Consciousness is very subtle. Reality rearranges.All possibilities exist in Consciousness, so something that is an obstacle in this universe doesn’t exist in a parallel one. There are always alternatives, always choices.

You’re in the one you’re experiencing. However, as Consciousness, you’re experiencing *all* possibilities. That’s too much to comprehend within your present form, your current body/personality.

Consciousness exists beyond your mind/intellect. You don’t need to understand it to know it.

How does this relate to what’s going on in the outside world? What’s going on in the story lines of many countries? It seems the most powerful among us are also doing the most evil things.

As Consciousness comes more into form, the most ugly behavior crawls out of the woodwork, things hidden in the shadows have full spotlights upon them. Anything not in alignment with the evolution of Consciousness is going to stick out like a sore thumb, and things we may have been complacent about in the past will now feel jarring to us all.

You don’t need to process this all through your body/mind’s personal life experience. As Consciousness you can “grok” it from an expanded perspective and make the shift to something that feels better. When you’re viewing it as Consciousness you have the “bigger picture” and can even be amused.

But what about those times when you DON’T have an expanded perspective? When your body/personality feels too overwhelmed to go on? You as Consciousness can care for yourself as the beloved Creator that you are. It may be as simple as hot baths, chocolate, or naps.

You don’t have to see it to release it, you don’t have to spend years processing it, you can allow the shift to happen from outside the hologram, and then watch reality unfold in your favor.

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