Monday, June 22, 2020

We aren’t dying (but why it feels like we are)

We Aren’t Dying (But Why It Feels Like We Are) ©2020 Joan M. Newcomb, CPC 

The other night I woke up in the middle of the night, and as I was waking up, I saw what looked like hand drawn five pointed star in a circle. It was black and white and sketchy, so I got up and Googled it. It is spiritual geometry, used in beliefs like Wicca and groups like the Free Masons. It didn’t feel like 5D Consciousness but that I was picking up on something more 3D related.

The point was up which meant spirit transcending form, as opposed to spirit coming in or embodying form. Which got me thinking about my early mystery school training and actually also Findhorn (the way they hold hands in a circle, the energy cycles around so as to come more into the earthly realm) which are all about spirit coming into form. 

Now you may imagine that transcending form is the thing to do. And that coming more into form seems limiting or less than. 

But actually my training was all about Spirit coming into Body. Trying to transcend form can seem like leaving the body. And many people think that if you transcend to 5D, it means your gonna die.

I can say, with my continuing integration to 5D, that no, there’s no leaving the body, it all just upgrades to a less dense experience. Most of the time. And even that gets dense after a while so you get another upgrade. Like owning an apple product.

What’s happening now is we are collectively experiencing a shift in Consciousness, and the parts we have heavily identified with are going away.  

We aren’t dying, we’re integrating, what’s dying is the denser constructs of physical form, our firmly held beliefs that are absolute bullshit. This is why we see deeply engrained prejudices coming to light. This is why we see Nazis coming out of the woodwork.

And each of us are feeling our light awakening within, our soul essence burning more brightly, the power of who we really are, Consciousness, integrating in form. 

It’s giving us voice, a stronger voice, making us feel more empowered, and it’s also making us no longer tolerate intolerance or injustice or anything that makes any of us less than.

This Consciousness integration has been breaking down definitions and separations, which is why there’s been an emergence of people who don’t identify with gender. 

Rather than limiting our definitions of male and female, all of this expands them. 

As I am shifting to a 5D experience, I find everything is opposite in some ways, from my original trainings. Actually there is no distance or up or down from the perspective of greater Consciousness. As Consciousness is coming into form, the energy doesn’t necessarily come down from the heavens. The energy doesn’t necessarily go up to the sky. The energy can emerge from within.

You know the movie Avatar got it backwards, with these smaller less powerful humans occupying physical forms much greater than they were to live in an environment toxic to their bodies.

This is greater Consciousness emerging into a smaller form, but in occupying it activates the higher ability of the form. Yet when you’re just in form as form, you’re at the mercy of your sensitivity.

That’s when you feel like you’re dying or the world is dying or humanity is dying.

Shift your perspective, see that it’s You, yourself as greater Consciousness coming into form. It will instantly give you a broader awareness of what is happening in the world. When I do that, my heart opens to humanity. I feel the pain and rage of centuries (a millennia or more) of oppression. I feel expansive love and compassion for all sentient beings. 

Operating as the Consciousness that is coming into form it becomes easier to hold steady as things get more roiled up. To accept and allow the massive changes that are happening. To act rather than react. The more of us operating as Consciousness, the more we create a safe space for all of us to shift.

Baby steps. Start today simply by shifting your perspective moment to moment, whenever it occurs to you. And notice how quickly your life completely transforms!

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