Saturday, June 27, 2020

We Want Our Space Back (But what *is* space?)

We Want Our Space Back (But what *is* space?) ©2020 Joan M. Newcomb, CPC

Saw on Twitter a woman who’s been in the UK since she was 18 months old, married to an Englishman with a British passport with two kids, also with British passports, but she’d been born in Turin, and was separated out when they last went on holiday because her passport was Italian.

So she applied for citizenship and was rejected by the home office, being told she wasn’t “qualified” to live there.

It reminds me of the USA sending countless people who’ve lived all their lives in America to (often dangerous) countries, where many of them have never been before.

The virus is sending us all into our homes to get our space back. And the UK and the US are wanting to send people back to their “home” countries to get it’s space back. 

But there’s a distortion in the truth there. We’re in our homes to maintain our health, it’s a response to the virus because there’s no vaccine and no cure. And it’s meant to be temporary.

The UK and the USA are dislodging people who’ve been there for decades. And what’s truly distorted is that the US was founded by people from other countries, and the UK is made up of centuries of people from other places.

But they’re trying to get their space back. An astrologer in England voted to leave the EU because he felt that the country had gotten “too crowded”.

The darker sides of the US are trying to do that without looking at their own last names.

Identity. Identity is breaking down as we as Consciousness grow into greater connection.

It’s all really about energetic space. The unseen, that we each personally have, and that connects us all. “Getting your space back” really means stepping back from distractions, from other people, places and things. The virus sending us to our homes, kinda sorta does that. And yet it’s also connected many of us globally on Zoom.

But if we’re not aware of Consciousness, if we view the world as Identity, we feel fear and resistance and want to make forceful separations. We cling to old definitions of identity and also descrimitation.

I’m reminded of being at a David Spangler workshop in Duvall, walking by myself in the woods and having the enormous awareness of Love surrounding me. I was frightened at first that I would lose myself if I fell into it and when I did, I discovered being more myself in the midst of it.

That was a good five years before my consciousness shift into 5D.

Interesting to look back on my evolution.

My original training taught techniques for defining and owning your energetic Space, which I adopted with rigidity. Years later I realized that you can’t fall in love without merging, and that it’s through non resistance (which Consciousness is/feels like) you can be together.

When you fall into Consciousness, it’s an incredible expansion, but you don’t lose yourself, you actually gain a greater awareness of who you really are.

I invite you to play with this, this week. I believe the more of us that do this, the easier the collective evolution will be. And wouldn’t it be wonderful to ease us all into a more loving way of being?

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