Thursday, July 29, 2021

Crisis, Trauma, and the Consciousness Shift

 Crisis, Trauma, and the Consciousness Shift ©2021 Joan M. Newcomb, CPC

It was pointed out to me today (and not for the first time), that the language I was using implied that I felt that things were happening to me, that I was not at choice with the situation I was describing. That I was sounding like a victim of circumstances.

It was annoying because I know better. And I certainly don’t feel like a victim. But circumstances have arisen that I had not foreseen, and I’ve had to do some adjusting in ways I hadn’t anticipated.

As I stewed about this a bit, I realized that my anxiety came entirely from future tripping. I actually don’t know the outcome of what’s happening at the moment. I don’t know if people are going to live or die. But in the present moment, everyone’s as okay as they can be.

It reminds me of a time when my youngest son was about nine years old, and we were driving our dog to an emergency hospital in the middle of the night. It had eaten rat poison. He was crying. I was exhausted. And I gripped the wheel and told myself, ‘this is not a crisis, it’s an event.’ 

We got through that event. The dog lived, although I was $1,700 poorer.

I’ve also been doing some body work that releases trauma from the unconscious. It’s been interesting to feel/sense things being released, like random memories coming out of the woodwork. The charge is gone. Trauma is from past events and when I’m not in the present moment (consciously or unconsciously), it feels stuck, heavy, or even simply invisible. 

Yesterday I started watching Mrs. America on Hulu, and began laughing at how much it triggered me. That was the environment I grew up in. That was the covert and overt misogeny that I experienced as the only girl in a family of boys. It was stunning to realize how much fifty year old cultural programming still influences me in 2021.

And where does the Consciousness shift fit into all of this? I went through a huge shift in Consciousness in 2006-8, where everything radically changed, time became malleable, reality became filled with different possibilities. 

Starting in 2016, things started becoming very dense. And it doesn’t mean the shift didn’t happen, it doesn’t mean I slid backwards. If anything, it means the shift is continuing. More people are experiencing it. 

I’ve likened it to sitting in an arena where people start doing “the wave”. You can see folks standing up, as it works its way around the circle of seats. I felt like one of the early ones to stand, but now almost everyone in the entire stadium is up on their feet. 

What happens as we all experience greater Consciousness, is that old trauma comes out of the woodwork. It’s being released, as is everything that is dense and not in alignment with the higher frequency of Consciousness, is being release. 

We’re seeing people with old beliefs and distorted perceptions acting out. It feels a lot denser because it’s being released. Like a house undergoing spring cleaning, there’s a lot more dust in the air.

Even if I don’t feel like it, I know that I’m Consciousness creating all of this, and as I navigate it, I’m moving through different possibilities, different outcomes. If I’m trying to change, fix, or manipulate what’s going on, I’m operating like things are happening to me. If I’m going forward with curiosity, wonder, or even amusement, then I’m operating as Consciousness. 

When I’m in the present moment, I can feel Consciousness. It feels lighter, it feels expansive, and I feel at choice.  

We're going through a particularly intense phase of the Shift right now. All the more reason to be gentle with ourselves and in the present moment.

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