Thursday, July 15, 2021



The other day I went into Manhattan. My weather app said it was going to start thunderstorm ing at 2pm and go until after midnight. I joked to my sister in law that I was going to “wiggle my nose and blink my eyes”. I also said it wasn’t going to rain because I’d brought an umbrella.
We got to the Upper East Side about 2pm and my weather app now said it was going to start storming at 3pm. We were inside for about three hours and when we came out, the weather app said it would start storming at 7pm.

We ate a quick dinner, got on the subway back to Queens and at 7pm. as we were walking to the apartment, my weather app still said it was going to rain, but it wasn’t. Within a couple hours, the rain was completely out of the forecast… for the rest of the week.

How much was this my “wiggling my nose and blinking my eyes”?

Last week, my husband took me to the airport. We left the house early to catch a ferry that my husband was convinced we weren’t going to catch. The app on my phone said the ferry had already left. When we got down to the dock, it was still loading. I closed my eyes, turned within, and shifted my focus away from my husband’s pervasive energy. I felt a lightness fill me.

We rolled on the boat.

How much was this my changing external circumstances?

When I held in person meetups, I’d always end them by playing a game “Parallel Universes”. I’d have people walk around the meeting room imaging each step took them into a different Parallel Universe. People reported amazing changes after playing this game (or using it in their daily lives). Job offers paying more than they’d ever imagined. Relationships appearing. I was always specific that they weren’t changing, fixing, or manipulating the outside world. they were shifting themselves into a different Universe. 

One person had problems with their boss, and after walking through parallel Universes the next week their boss quit. My explanation is that they didn’t make their boss resign, they stepped into a parallel universe where they were leaving.

If I place my focus on external things, the problem, or even the solution, my energy is going outside of me. It can create some changes but they’re temporary fixes. It’s like moving the set background and furniture around on a stage. I lose energy when I focus on people, places and things. I’m reinforcing things as they are.

Now, with the weather in Manhattan I didn’t really even focus on it. I just looked at the app and watched it change. I was entering into Universes where it wasn’t thunder storming in that moment, until I entered into a Universe where it wasn’t storming at all.

It was very light, playful, casual and spontaneous. All qualities I attribute to Consciousness.
With catching the ferry, I realized how much I allow external energy to influence my reality. I didn’t focus on changing my husband, I focused within, on where it was different. 
When I do that, everything changes without me changing anything.

We’re awaiting PET scan results. Now between the test and the radiologist report, there’s room for miracles. Rather than unraveling the storyline, I’m shifting my focus within. Internally being in a Universe where everything is unfolding in everyone’s favor.

What I notice when I play this way is that it’s a benevolent Universe. What unfolds is something bigger than I can imagine. I’m curious to see what happens.

Note: after writing this post, my sister-in-law and walked to the subway and were ever-so-lightly sprinkled on. No rain in the forecast. It's a benevolent Universe and a humorous Hologram.

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