Friday, August 7, 2020

How Consciousness Sees Reality

How Consciousness Sees Reality ©2020 Joan M. Newcomb, CPC 

A group of Indian students of Buddhism were granted an audience with His Holiness The Dalai Lama. They asked the most profound questions. One was regarding the perception of the mind versus the perception of (my words) Consciousness or maybe they meant Buddha Nature or Enlightenment, in regards to reality. 

Which is a really great question and here's *my* answer on it. If you want to know what HHDL said, you'll have to Google it. :D

It's a noticeable difference when you are perceiving reality through your mind's filters, than when you're seeing it as Consciousness.  Our mind is rational, judgmental, views things as good or bad, black or white. From Consciousness. it’s more than a thought, more like a feeling perception. Consciousness is neutral, mind is more structured, and that’s why the word ‘illusion’ seems like an inaccurate translation because the more solid and dense reality is, the more of an illusion it is.

I’ve been hesitant to write about this because we’re in very dense times with very painful storylines, just like I wouldn’t have, during the 1930’s and during WWII, been blithely saying ‘it’s all an illusion’. This is definitely a time of Consciousness expanding and density appearing more dense, darkness coming to the surface. 

However, the last few days, walking around my neighborhood, reality hasn't felt... entirely real. It feels more like a movie set. Now I've experienced this before but usually only in glimpses, like walking across the parking lot at  a grocery store. But this has been consistent for several days. It's a very odd feeling. 

It doesn't mean reality isn't real, it just means that I, like many, am experiencing a Consciousness Shift. I'm in the storyline, but not of the storyline. And the story is constantly shifting.

And what stories there are in the storyline! We’re each having our individual story, entangled with the other characters in our lives, entwined with stories going on in our town, our area, our country, the world. 

From a greater perspective, it’s really exciting what it going on, because that which seems so dark and destructive is actually in itself breaking down. That which seems so dominant and powerful is actually in the process of losing power. Consciousness is coming more into form, each of us is experiencing it more within ourselves. We’re all becoming more individually powerful just as we’re all feeling more collectively connected. The old paradigms aren’t working anymore, intolerance, dominance, prejudice, etc. can’t exist in the light of Consciousness.

How is this showing up in your life? What are you noticing? You don’t have to do anything differently. Just start by noticing. Shine your own light of awareness on your life, and things will transform.

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