Monday, August 17, 2020

Weaving Between Levels of Perception

Weaving Between Levels of Perception © 2020 Joan M Newcomb, CPC

In recent months, with all that’s been going on in the external world, I’ve completely forgotten my storyline. That is, the levels of my story line, and that I’m the moving through this reality from different levels. That’s because I don’t see them as static levels, rather, I weave between the levels of perception. 

When I’ve lost my focus, I’ve dropped a level. That is what the last few months have been like.

I’ve been helping other family members with their realities and forgetting about my own.

Now I’ve had a couple moments of Consciousness, when I’ve brought consciousness in to things and that’s made a remarkable difference. It helped end someone’s struggle with what I now know was Covid (even as I began getting it myself), and helped someone else’s storyline continue (in their body) instead of ending. 

The only thing I did in either of those cases is bring more Consciousness in and to them.

In my storyline I’ve been responding to others and pivoting in response to things on their timeline.

Doesn’t mean there haven’t been unique and interesting things on *my* timeline, but it my focus right now has been furthering others in my hologram.

It’s hard to have a clear sense of my own reality, the external world is very loud at the moment.

Each time I’ve attempted to deliberately create something on my timeline, something else has swept it away. It’s been pretty frustrating. And surprising. Because I don’t normally feel like things are happening to me. Usually I’m aware that I’m creating it all as Consciousness. Even in the most difficult times, I’ve been able to see my creation and go with the flow.

But this time, man, I mean, what the fuck?

And stuff has come up on levels I haven’t interacted in, in years. I mean like fifteen, twenty, thirty years.

I guess it’s all about dismantling old patterns and creating new ones. And now, after what feels like a very long time, I can see myself forging a future, in partnership with others, in ways I couldn’t have imagined. And that phrase, “I couldn’t have imagined” is my clue that I’m creating it as Consciousness. It’s showing up deeper and more complex than I could have imagined as well.

This *is* my storyline. This *is* my creation. Even as it’s all about everyone else.

We’re all in this orchestra together, we all have our individual instruments to play. I can experience now as sitting for the duration of the concern on an uncomfortable chair with a cello between my knees and calloused fingers. I can experience now as the sheet music in front of me and the tenor line alone, which can be rather boring at times. I can hear the string section. I can hear percussion and strings together, and gradually become aware of the entire orchestra and the concert I’ve been participating in.

Any one of these things taken out of context makes no sense at all, and makes for a very humdrum experience.

But now is the time to embrace all of it. Every aspect, pleasant and unpleasant. The cacophony and harmony. 

Bring your full focus to what’s happening now. Bring your Presence into form. Bring Consciousness into the storyline. And watch the collective storyline transform.

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