Friday, February 12, 2021

The End of The World (As We Know It)

The End of The World (As We Know It)  ©2021 Joan M. Newcomb, CPC

I’m observing what is going on in the world today, and I’m seeing huge growth and expansion. In order for expansion to happen, however, old, restrictive patterns need to be released.

There’s an aspect of this that is natural. This planet is always in the midst of creating and destroying, disintegration and regeneration. Then there’s our man made, physical level of destruction and creation. We can see it evident in climate change and the effect of fossil fuels, but also in our creation of machines using alternative fuels, becoming more “green” in our building, more aware of our carbon footprint.

And then there’s cultural and societal changes, working towards equity and equality for all people.

I’ve spent the last forty years engaging more in the unseen realms, and here I am seeing more intensity than ever before. I believe it starts with the unseen and evolves to the physical, so what we’re witnessing in the work is a reaction to what it happening to all of us within. I think we haven’t experienced such enormous transformation in nearly two thousand years.

When you view it from the physical or even societal perspective it can feel like the end of the world as we know it. But it’s not the end of the world, just the world as we know it. You can feel like you’re dying. But it’s just the restrictive patterns that are going away. You can see prominent people in the news trying to reinforce restrictions, trying to drag the evolving world back to olden times. It’s not going to work, any more than trying to stop a tsunami with sandbags or a volcano with boulders.

It’s bigger than them. It’s bigger than their versions of reality. Evolution is happening whether it’s comfortable or not.

When you look at all of this from the perspective of Consciousness, you see it as light and patterns. Consciousness begins outside the hologram, but shows up in the hologram as vibration. It’s very high, very clear, and as it comes into form, it creates patterns of varying density. Bright light destroys shadows. High vibration shatters denser structures. We’re all experiencing being in the light in different ways.

Some of us are exhilarated. This is what we feel we are born for, to break rigid patterns, to bring in greater light. We’re on the leading edge, we’ve felt different than others, we’re excited to see the rest of the world catching up! Some of us are really uncomfortable. We’re born to stablize, to reinforce structures, to keep things in order. When we can open ourselves to the new things coming in, we can assist by helping to create foundations, to support and anchor the new into form.

All of us are either reinforcing patterns or breaking them. Reinforced patterns start as scaffolding for new creations for Consciousness to manifest through. Breaking old patterns allows new growth. 

It’s natural to resist, whether it’s resisting old patterns we feel are being imposed upon us, or whether it opportunity for new patterns that will actually allow us to manifest what we’ve been desiring for a long time.

When we resist old patterns, we feel imposed upon, we feel those outside are more powerful than we are. That is exactly the old that is in the process of dissolving and going away. When you stop resisting, you get your energy back and empower yourself.

When we resist new patterns, we stop ourselves from expanding into our next level of evolution. When you stop resisting your own growth, you effortlessly go forward into your True Self, who you really are (beyond your body and personality).

It’s the end of the world as we have known it, and the beginning of the new world better than we could possibly imagine.

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